Sophie: The Girl from the Zone [v0|3.01]

“A mysterious virus has spread, transforming infected people into zombies. The world as we knew it no longer exists. As each person fights for their own survival, whom can you trust? You live your quiet life with two friends in a place called ‘the zone.’ And one day, you meet this girl… You will start to question your reality… What if your world was just a hallucination? What if you were simply crazy? In that case, how do you know what is real? And you, are you really who you think you are?” Be careful, each of your choices will have consequences in the more or less long term and more or less serious on the ‘history.

Warning read before starting!

Hello dear player. Welcome to my game. This is a dark and complex story full of twists and turns. Disrupting normal thought patterns leads to suffering and anguish for you, the protagonist. Be prepared for deviations from “normal” gameplay. Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone? If you feel something is not right, don’t worry, for only he who completes the journey reaps his rewards.
Are you ready to question what you thought was real?
( I invite you to read the ‘Developer Notes’ below. )*****************
“Un mystérieux virus s’est propagé. Lentement au début, puis très rapidement. Vos amis et collègues ont été infectés. Mais ils ne sont pas morts. Ils sont devenus quelque chose de pire que la mort. Ce sont des morts-vivants ! Quelques années se sont écoulées et la société s’est désintégrée au point que le simple fait de survivre est la seule pensée de chacun. Vous vivez une vie presque paisible à des kilomètres de votre ville natale, jusqu’à ce que tu rencontres cette fille. Mais tu vas commencer à remettre ta réalité en question… Et si ton monde n’était qu’une hallucination?
Et si, tu étais simplement fou ? ”
Attention, chacun de vos choix aura des conséquences à plus ou moins long terme et plus ou moins grave sur l’histoire.

Thread Updated: 2024-06-12
Release Date: 2024-08-12
Developer: DavyCroquette PatreonItch.iosubscribestarDiscordInstagram
Censored: No
Version: 0|3.01
OS: Windows, Linux, Android, Mac
Language: English, French, Spanish (Auto trad.), German(Auto trad.)

Story of your choice, romantic relationship, dream, madness , sexy, adventure, gore, zombie, post-apocalypse, drawing, 3D, +18, virus, survival, science fiction, humor, erotic, horror. Pornographic content after prologue.


1. Extract and run.


– Story continuation (~45 min)
– 600 new images
– 16 animations
– Gallery: added a button to go directly to the end of the gallery
– Reduced difficulty to unlock certain scenes
– Added a quick button (bottom right of the screen) to save the current image (a kind of screenshot) Not available on Mobile
– Added 21 images to the gallery
– Added Discord button to the main menu
– Changed the main menu image – Optimized buttons and menu for the mobile version
– Enlarged character icons in the choice menu
– Removed some “locks” during the game that caused confusion
– Added images of the “girls” in the “your feelings” section (on mouse hover for PC / by holding the character’s name for the mobile version)V0|3.00:
– Story continuation (~35 min.)
– 400 new images.
– 13 new animations.
– Remastering of over 300 images.
– Reduced difficulty to unlock certain scenes
– Addition of approximately 50 new images in the old chapters
– Minor redesign of the gallery.
– Addition of new images to the gallery.
– Possibility to review animations in the gallery.
– Addition of a mini guide on each locked image to unlock images and animations in the gallery.
– Modification of the usage guide in the help menu.

– Story continuation (~40min).
– 380 new images.
– 14 animations.
– Modification of the 3D renders at the beginning of the story.
– Reduced difficulty to unlock certain scenes
– Added images to the gallery.

– Story continuation (40min).
– 758 new images.
– 19 animations.
– Modification of over 100 3D images.
– Addition of 3 animations at the beginning of the game.
– Addition of 2 scenes at the beginning of the game.
– Reduced difficulty to unlock certain scenes
– Addition of an image gallery.
– Option to delete a backup.
– Option to name a backup.
– Addition of a typography for dyslexics.
– Automatic translation to German added.

– Story continuation (30 minutes)
– 600 new images
– 17 animations
– Modification of over 800 3D images
– Addition of 4 animations at the beginning of the game
– Bug fixes
– Reduced difficulty to unlock certain scenes

– Display bug fixes.
– Value displays on choice menus
– New story branch on the big ship
– Addes 1137 images
– the story continues

– A new points system: Your feelings influence your relationships with the characters and will determine whether scenes/choices will be unlocked).
– Construction of a new storyline path on the boat (possibility of saving the girls) with a new storyline fork. This change will take place in two stages. For now, you’ll need to complete Chapter 1 to access it. Later, you’ll have the choice of saving everyone directly at the start of the game in the boat scene.
– Several erotic scenes from the beginning of the game have been changed.
– Continuation of the story.
– Added more than +1000 images

– Continuation of the story.
– Corrections of images in the Prologue.
– Added two porn scenes in the Prologue.
– Added more than 800 images

– Continuation of the story.
– Added more than 600 images

– Continuation of the story.
– Corrections English version.
– Image corrections.
– Added more than 650 images

– Continued story.
– Redesign of chapters.
– English version corrected .
– Image corrected in the prologue.
– Added more than 750 images

– Continued Story Chapter 6.
– Corrected images.

– Continued History.
– Corrected images.
– Fix interface.
– Add English auto trad (sorry)

– Chapter 1 to 5.
– Beginning of Chapter 6.
– Corrected images.
– Fix interface.
– Back button

– End of Chapter 1.
– Beginning of Chapter 2.
– Corrected images.
– Fix interface.

– Edit menu.
– Added sound effects.
– Corrected images.

Initial Release

Developer Notes:

******************************************************************************************I want to clarify things :ROFLMAO: ;)

A little word from ‘me’ before we begin :
I aim to convey a crucial message: at the core of this project lies a captivating story, far beyond a mere game with erotic undertones. While eroticism is present, it remains secondary. My aim is to shape this tale much like a film, inviting players to abandon the notion of selecting a specific heroine to guide their journey. Instead, I hope they allow themselves to be carried by the narrative thread, immersing themselves in every twist and turn. I am well aware that the majority of visual novels do not tread this path, but my desire is to tell a complex and nuanced story that goes far beyond romantic interactions with certain characters.
For those seeking a purely erotic experience, this visual novel will not meet their expectations. Personally, I have little interest in crafting a story solely for its erotic aspect.
This work is characterized by violent, macabre elements, and at times, unsettling occurrences, borrowing traits from cinematic films. If I were to paint a portrait of the plot, it would be a blend of “Game of Thrones,” where the unpredictable reigns, “Shutter Island,” and “A Clockwork Orange” for madness, while also adding a touch of “Inception” for dreams. The entire narrative unfolds in a dystopian world where aggressiveness prevails among the majority.
This story does not target a broad audience; rather, it represents an intimate connection between my creativity and the power of text. Expect painful losses, uncertain initial comprehension of the tale, but I assure you that each element will find its place, ultimately giving profound meaning to the entirety.

Un mot de «moi»:
Je désire véhiculer un message essentiel : au cœur de ce projet, il y a avant tout une histoire captivante, bien au-delà d’un simple jeu à connotation érotique. L’érotisme, bien que présent, demeure secondaire. Mon objectif est de façonner cette histoire de la même manière qu’un film, invitant les joueurs à abandonner l’idée de sélectionner une héroïne spécifique pour mener leur parcours. Au lieu de cela, je souhaite qu’ils se laissent porter par le fil narratif, s’imprégnant de chaque tournant et de chaque développement. Je suis parfaitement conscient(e) que la majorité des visual novels ne suivent pas cette voie, mais mon désir est de raconter une histoire complexe et nuancée, allant bien au-delà des interactions amoureuses avec certaines protagonistes.

Pour ceux en quête d’une expérience purement érotique, ce visual novel ne répondra pas à leurs attentes. Pour ma part, je ne m’intéresse guère à concevoir une histoire uniquement pour son côté érotique.

Cet opus se caractérise par des éléments violents, macabres et par moments troublants, empruntant ainsi les traits d’un film cinématographique. Si je devais dresser un portrait de l’intrigue, elle serait un mélange entre “Game of Thrones”, où l’imprévisible règne, “Shutter Island” et “Orange Mécanique” pour la folie, tout en ajoutant une touche «d’Inception” pour les rêves. L’ensemble se déroule dans un monde dystopique où l’agressivité prédomine chez la majorité des individus.

Cette histoire ne vise pas un large public ; elle constitue une connexion intime entre ma créativité et le pouvoir du texte. Attendez-vous à des pertes douloureuses, à une compréhension initiale incertaine du récit, mais je vous assure que chaque élément trouvera sa place, donnant ainsi un sens profond à l’ensemble.

Una pequeña palabra personal antes de comenzar :
Mi objetivo es transmitir un mensaje crucial: en el corazón de este proyecto yace una historia cautivadora, mucho más allá de un simple juego con insinuaciones eróticas. Aunque el erotismo está presente, es secundario. Mi intención es moldear este relato de manera similar a una película, invitando a los jugadores a abandonar la noción de seleccionar una heroína específica para guiar su recorrido. En su lugar, espero que se dejen llevar por el hilo narrativo, sumergiéndose en cada giro y vuelta. Soy plenamente consciente de que la mayoría de las novelas visuales no siguen este camino, pero mi deseo es contar una historia compleja y matizada que vaya mucho más allá de las interacciones románticas con ciertos personajes.
Para aquellos que buscan una experiencia puramente erótica, esta novela visual no cumplirá con sus expectativas. Personalmente, tengo poco interés en elaborar una historia únicamente por su aspecto erótico.
Esta obra se caracteriza por elementos violentos y macabros, y en ocasiones, situaciones inquietantes, tomando rasgos de las películas cinematográficas. Si tuviera que pintar un retrato de la trama, sería una mezcla de “Game of Thrones”, donde lo impredecible reina, “Shutter Island” y “A Clockwork Orange” por la locura, además de añadir un toque de “Inception” para los sueños. Toda la narrativa se desenvuelve en un mundo distópico donde la agresividad prevalece entre la mayoría.
Esta historia no apunta a un público amplio; más bien, representa una conexión íntima entre mi creatividad y el poder del texto. Esperen pérdidas dolorosas, comprensión inicial incierta del relato, pero les aseguro que cada elemento encontrará su lugar, dando un profundo sentido a la totalidad.

– Playing time: ~5.0 hours.
– Choice: ~230
– Videos: ~96
– Images: ~8500
– Langue: French, English, Spanish (Trad. auto), German (Trad. auto)
– Beginning of the project : November 2022
– Game status : In development

Thx Saint Blackmoor for the english translation.


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